@thesis{heer2021,title={The {{Boundary}} at {{Infinity}} of {{Gromov Hyperbolic Spaces}}},author={Heer, Loreno},year={2021},publisher={{University of Zurich}},doi={10.5167/UZH-217863},urldate={2022-04-12}}
We investigate properties which remain invariant under the action of quasi-Möbius maps of quasi-metric spaces. A metric space is called doubling with constantDif every ball of nite radius can be cov-ered by at mostDballs of half the radius. It is shown that the doubling property is an invariant property for(quasi-)Möbius maps. Additionally it is shown that the property of uniform disconnectedness is an invariantfor (quasi-)Möbius maps as well
@article{heer2017,url={https://doi.org/10.1515/agms-2017-0004},title={Some Invariant Properties of Quasi-Möbius Maps},author={Heer, Loreno},pages={69--77},volume={5},number={1},journal={Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces},doi={10.1515/agms-2017-0004},year={2017},lastchecked={2022-08-25},dimensions={true}}
Undistortedness of Lipschitz N-Connected Closed Subsets in Quasi-Convex Metric Spaces of Finite Assouad-Nagata Dimension
@thesis{heer2012,type={bathesis},title={Low-Dimensional Linear Representations of Mapping Class Groups and Their Triviality in Certain Cases},author={Heer, Loreno},year={2012},institution={{University of Bern}},langid={english},}